Do you think that you are dogs likes rasins ? Lets find it out here

 Do you think that you are dogs likes rasins 

Do you believe you are a dog who enjoys rasins? 

So if you think that dogs can eat fruits, yes they can it’s a fruit potato shouldn’t eat the grapes or any residence because they are extremely potential and toxic also so basically if your doggy is eating then they will actually affect the kidney so now you have to stop them from meeting the legends and grapes actually the grapes in poisons for the dogs so now you have to stop them from meeting the legends and grapes actually the grapes in poisons for the dogs

Do you know that do you know that if some of the dogs eat the grapes, it is more harmfull than the grapes because in the grapes there are some harmful concentration of toxic compounds which can affect & cause Dehydrated which was said by doctor antenna demarco, so you should always avoid the dogs from the rasins from grapes are more helpful keep in mind.

So if someone has question can their puppies eat grapes then the clear answer is no because they will either suffer from the toxic effects so that’s why you should never give your puppies or dogs resins as well as grapes

Which food so which forts is good for your Dog?

Carrots are the well and good cooked food for your dogs in this both RAW and cook carrots can be done by your dog you can trust carried as it as vitamins minerals and fibres which make a very delicious food or a snake for your talk

You should also avoid excessive salt which may lead to Salt poisoning which can cause some of the serious health issues such as vomiting & diarrhea

What to do if you are dog as eaten raisins ?


If your dog has a eaten raisins then you should consult a doctor because it’s good to consult a doctor rather than its to be late. Some dogs can tolerance regions more than others so will that’s why you should not wait for more than 72 hours and book apppoinment to the doctor and please consulted about this. 

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